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Av. Joaquín Orrantía y Leopoldo Benítez, piso C ofic. 702
04 263 9366 info@mail.com

About us?

The first tactical training center in the country and South America that counts with institutes for training personnel. Providing Tactical and anti-terrorism training for Police, Military, Special Forces, and Executive Protection.

Our training is based on the training methodology of the Israeli Special Forces Shin Bet, Mossad, Israel Navy Seals and Israel Delta Force, as well as different methodologies of the Polish Special Forces (GROM) and Navy Seals, Green Beret U.S.A

Our team

Our instructors are highly qualified active and former special forces agents who have gained experience in several locations and have multiple achievements in each of their units.

Who do we train?

Our civilian course is based on handling firearms, self-defense, crisis negotiations, anti-kidnapping, and first aid. A course where you will gain knowledge of personal and family safety. Whether you want to learn how to take care of yourself or your family, our specialists are ready to adapt the training program to your needs. Contact us

Law enforcement and security training. This course is conducted by experienced instructors, former police and secret service officers that can comprehensively prepare officers to perform their duties. As part of our course, we offer training in the field of gunner training, tactics and techniques of intervention, high-risk detention, operational techniques, pre-medical assistance as well as physical and mental preparation for official service. Contact us for more information.

Training for military units. Our course is conducted by former officials of special units and instructors with years of experience gained during missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc. Our program includes training in the field of shooting, green, black, and red tactics, hand-to-hand combat, knife combat, small unit tactics, and direct actions on land in water and air.