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Av. Joaquín Orrantía y Leopoldo Benítez, piso C ofic. 702
04 263 9366 info@mail.com

Close Protection

Duration: 3 months

this is the initial three-month training required for Executive Protection agents, with comprehensive ongoing evaluations. This course is designed to establish uniformly across the unit the warrior mindset and skills necessary for an effective performance of their duties. The length of the course allows students to master the material and become thoroughly proficient.
It also provides enough time for a reliable, ongoing testing to ensure comprehensive results. Since the Israeli methodology relies on a binary pass/fail system, agents-in-training are required to intercept and eliminate threats with 100% rate of success. Over the years, this course has increased in duration to the current three-month period, as Israelis realized that anything shorter than that produced failing results. 

  • Principles of close protection – Tactical shooting based on CMMS program and Combat Casualty Care
  • Introduction to threat assessment and risk analysis
  • Protection formations
  • Hello Arrivals / Departures
  • Dress code and etiquette
  • Low profile security and tactics
  • Unarmed combat
  • First response Emergency Course
  • Case studies
  • Elements of Close Protection Team
  • Cover and evacuation drill live fire
  • Advance work
  • Advance work; surveys, preparation and planning – exercise
  • Team Leader; roles & responsibilities
  • Radio communications procedures
  • Motorcade procedures
  • Final training exercise: IN TOWN – training in realistic everyday situation •  Briefing the Principal
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